our Services

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” ~ Albert Einstein

Vibro - Acoustics

The proper management of vibro-acoustics has been a hallmark of ADZAAN’s team, having begun as noise and vibration specialists. Our experience across several industries in resolving vibro-acoustics issues has illustrated to us the importance of customising each solution to the client’s work environment, while appreciating the prevalence of common factors that cause such problems.

Construction Site

Noise & Vibration

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Noise & Vibration

Noise & Vibration
Prediction Studies

Construction Site

Noise Impact
Assessment Studies

Consultants evaluating ventilation system

ACMV Noise &
Vibration Surveys

Finite Element
Vibration Analysis

Structural & Fluid Dynamics

Fluid dynamics relates to the study of liquids and gases in motion, while structural dynamics relates to the study of vibration impact on existing or proposed design structures. Both studies covers a wide range of engineering applications. 

As mechanical engineers trained in structural and fluid dynamics, we view our clients’ problems through the lenses of a multi-physics, integrated approach.

Fluid Dynamics

Pipe Flow

Water Pipes


Sump Model

Air Flow

Health & Safety

Due to the broad nature of EHS requirements, our solutions are industry-specific. This is done in 3 general steps.

First, conduct baseline studies to determine current EHS conditions.

Second, creating models to determine the EHS impact. 

Third, create customised solutions to address current and future environmental impact.

Induced Vibration

Pollution Control

Fire & Explosion

Construction Site

Environment Impact
Assessment Studies

Thermal Radiation

Online Services

In line with Singapore’s digitalisation efforts, we are providing some free online services/apps for Machine Check and Diagnostic. We hope these will be of value as we share our valued experience of over 20+ years.

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