Vibro - Acoustic Projects
ADZAAN staff are trained to carry out surveys and investigations at offshore and onshore locations. We bring calibrated equipment, appropriate PPE and a safety first attitude to every work site. This allows us to collect relevant noise & vibration data, look for solutions and return safely to analyse and subsequently submit survey or investigation reports to the client.
Our environmental acoustics services are focussed on noise impact assessment studies and investigations. A typical NIA study requires us to do an onsite baseline noise survey where noise measurements at key locations are taken and later used to tune a 3D acoustics model of the development built using the Cadna acoustics prediction software.
Community Alarm
Noise Study ( China )

Semi-Sub Noise & Vibration Investigative Survey

Fluid Dynamic Projects
We carry out scaled hydraulic model tests within our premises for various industries. The general objective is to observe the presence of unwanted hydraulic phenomena such as vortices, excessive aeration, sediment dead zones and to provide solutions if required. Some of these tests also involved building a computational fluid dynamic model (CFD) of the hydraulic structure and doing more extensive what-if scenarios which is not practical with the physical model.
We also carry out surge analysis and pressure measurements for many clients in the Water & Wastewater industries. A typical scope begins with modelling the piping system from the start; pump or reservoir all the way to an end; a relevant downstream reservoir or discharge chamber. Elements such as pumps, air valves, and surge tanks are then added accordingly to simulate the system. Once completed, surge analysis is carried out to determine if there are any excessively high or low surge pressures within the system. We also do onsite surge pressure measurements.
Surge Studies
For 5 Pumping Stations

Sump Model Tests
for 6 Pumping Stations

Environment Health & Safety Projects
High velocity fluid flows in constricting devices such as valves and restriction orifices lead to flow induced vibration downstream of these devices. Fatigue failure is possible if the vibration exceeds the permissible vibration limits. Similar to AIV study, we provide both screening FIV study where multiple lines are studied and the potential FIV cases highlighted and mitigated. And also onsite FIV investigation where vibration levels are measured and correlation determined. This is followed by an FE study of the piping system to investigate possible structural or other solutions.
Environmental impact assessments (EIA) are multi-disciplinary studies where various effects of a project or development on the environment are studied. These include air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, vibration, water quality, ecology, flora & fauna and cultural. Our core areas are in noise & vibration and we offer specialist Noise & Vibration Impact Assessment as a standalone study or team up with our associates to offer EIA studies.
Flow Induced
Vibration Study

Noise Impact